Product Information

  • Commodity : BACK BAR ASS’Y
  • Model : SJSM-W
  • Item number : 230600
  • Q-CODE : Q4012841
Q4012841BACK BAR ASS'Y230600
1Q4007582BACK BARE-5685071
2Q4006703BACK BAR HOLDERE-5685111
3Q4007595BACK BAR LINKE-5685221
4Q4002189LEFT BRACKETE-5685361
8Q4005792ROD ENDE-5685571
9Q4006713LINK PINE-5685622
10Q4006735KEY PLATEE-5685732
11S.H.C.SCREWE-569706M6 x 8L2
12S.H.C.SCREWE-569723M10 x 85L4
13S.H.C.SCREWE-569781M6 x 25L4
14S.H.C.SCREWE-569784M10 x 25L4
15JAM NUTE-569786M161
16HELL-COIL INSERTE-569789M6 x 15L4
17HELL-COIL INSERTE-569790M10 x 25L4
18Q4006723AIR CYLINDERE-5698041
19Q4002193DU BUSHINGE-569854DU15152
20Q4006781SPRING PINE-569938¥Õ6 x 20L1
21FLAT WASHERE-569791M64
22LOCK WASHERE-569792M64

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